Western Marketing Certificate Student Testimonial

When I started my education at Western Technical College, I was a traditional student taking general classes in a program I thought I wanted to pursue. Eventually I came to realize it was not the right fit for me and went into the working field. After a few years I was looking for more and decided to return to Western, this time as a non-traditional student. Because I had previously been enrolled, I had many of my program’s general requirements fulfilled. Like many students I was relying on financial aid to help me get by and pay my tuition; although in order to remain a full time student for my financial aid requirements, I was in need of a few extra credits. Having already taken Selling Principles, one of the three required classes for the Western Marketing Certificate, I was informed by one of the Marketing instructors that with the addition of Promotion Principles and Marketing Principles I could earn a Marketing Certificate in addition to my current degree. This was a great fit for me because it helped me reach full time status as well as giving me an advantage on my resume to make me more “marketable” to future employers.

It is recommended to take Marketing Principles before Promotion Principles; however, that route wasn’t an option to me because I was late to consider the Western Marketing Certificate. There is content learned in Marketing Principles that is beneficial to know before taking Promotion Principles. My advice to anyone considering a Marketing Certificate would be to do as is recommended and take Marketing Principles before Promotion Principles.

If any help or additional information is needed enrollment services are available, information can be found for Enrollment Services at http://www.westerntc.edu/EnrollmentServices/, or in the Welcome Center.

Do what I did and become an educationally well rounded individual by adding a Western Marketing Certificate to your current degree; you won’t regret the useful knowledge and skills you learn!

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