Searching for a Job?

Woman searching for a job on the computer.

Are you searching for a job? Have you found looking for a job to be stressful?

Searching for a job is no small task. It can be stressful and time- consuming.  If you break this down into small steps, it makes a job search much more manageable.  The first step when looking for a job is to write a resume. A resume is a record of your work history.  It gives a description of jobs you have held, as well as a list of references that can confirm your work ethic. The next step is to join a professional community, such as LinkedIn.  You can use this to network with professionals in your field. You can also use websites to search for a job, such as

To get help with your resume, make an appointment with the Career Services Center at Western Technical College. You can reach them by email at or call them at 608-785-9440.


You can also search for jobs online.  Please see the list below for jobs in different fields:

Careers in Marketing:

Careers in Business:

Health careers:

Careers in Social Services:


Need Professional attire:

Tips for Job Interviews:


Post updated by: Matthew Enright

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