Digital Marketing Second Term Course Descriptions

Digital Design Components

Content and Copy Writing

Internet Marketing

Digital Advertising

English Composition 1


Digital Design Components – 5 weeks for 2 credits
How do you know when to use a jpeg, pdf, tiff or gif? When do you use CMYK or RGB? What size and resolution do you need for a printed document versus a web site? You will learn all of the specifications, lingo and abbreviations that graphic designers, publishers, web designers and marketing professions use on a daily basis. You will learn the basics of print and web design components to enable you to make informed decisions.

Content and Copy Writing – 5 weeks for 2 credits
Explore content marketing strategies and their effectiveness; such as creation, curation, and repurposing. You will learn to write compelling copy for a variety of audiences and marketing uses, develop a business personality, tone, and voice, and get the right message to the right people through the right media. Includes optimizing headlines, taglines, call-to-actions, infographics, emoji’s, hashtags, and copy for effectiveness by using keywords, semantics, credibility, and the correct word choices.

Internet Marketing – 5 weeks for 2 credits
Explore how businesses use web sites, blogs, mobile apps, and search engine optimization (SEO) to market their business. You will learn basic web design fundamentals, how to use web content management systems, web-based tool connectivity, and use analytics to measure success.

Digital Advertising – 15 weeks for 3 credits
Explore the world of advertising on the Internet through display, text, pay-per-click, mobile, email and text messages. You will learn how to initiate, manage and evaluate digital advertising effectively and efficiently.

English Composition 1 – 15 weeks for 3 credits
This course is designed for learners to develop knowledge and skills in all aspects of the writing process. Planning, organizing, writing, editing and revising are applied through a variety of activities. Students will analyze audience and purpose, use elements of research, and format documents using standard guidelines. Individuals will develop critical reading skills through analysis of various written documents.

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