2+2 = Bachelor’s Degree

Are you wanting to further your education after graduating Western’s marketing program? Are you wanting to save money? Are you interested in staying local? If so, would you like to keep all of your credits without having to retake classes you’ve basically taken? Viterbo offers the 2+2 program! Viterbo University accepts all of your completed credits! Western has entered into agreements with Viterbo in many areas, including Marketing. The purpose of this agreement is to formalize an academic transfer agreement between Western and Viterbo.

To transfer, students must:

  • Successfully complete all courses in their associate degree program with a “C” or better in each course
  • Successfully complete all other specified or core courses as defined in the transfer agreement with a “C” or better in each course
  • Meet the Viterbo University admission requirements for transfer students into the Bachelor of Business Administration programs at Viterbo University with a cumulative grade point average of at least a “B-“ (2.5/4.0), are free to return to their previous school, and are considered to be in good academic and ethical standing both at their previous school and Viterbo University.

If you are wanting to transfer from Western’s Marketing Program to Viterbo’s, click the link below to find detailed documents covering everything you need to know to complete the task.

Viterbo / Western transfer documents

What are some things you would like to know about the 2+2 program? Is there any information regarding transferring to Viterbo or other colleges you would like to know?


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